Health and Wellness

Journey from Self-Doubt to Self-Confidence

As we celebrate World Wellbeing Week, it’s an opportune moment to focus on one of the most crucial aspects of personal and professional growth: overcoming self-doubt and building self-confidence. For many women, the inner critic is a constant companion, undermining their abilities and potential. Here are six powerful strategies to silence that inner voice and embrace your full potential.

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Understanding Panic and Finding Calm: Honouring International Panic Day

International Panic Day, observed annually, is more than just a quirky holiday—it’s a significant reminder of the impact of panic and anxiety on our lives. For many, panic is an all-too-real part of daily existence, influencing both personal well-being and professional performance. At Nixy, we believe in addressing these challenges head-on by providing support and resources for women in the workplace.

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Championing the Balance: Work and Family life Harmony

This International Day of Families, Nixy celebrates the critical role that families play in shaping society and acknowledges the special challenges that working women face in harmonizing their professional and family lives. We are here to uplift and support these resilient women, ensuring they have the resources to thrive both at home and in the workplace.

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Celebrating Our Everyday Heroes this International Nurses Day

On International Nurses Day, we honour the invaluable contributions of nurses across the globe. These dedicated professionals stand at the heart of our healthcare systems, providing care and compassion when it’s needed most. Their impact is profound, touching the lives of countless individuals every day.

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Charting Progress: Women in the Workplace

As the world comes together to mark International Workers’ Day, we pause to reflect on the incredible strides made by women in the workforce. This day has historically been a time to celebrate the social and economic achievements of workers worldwide. For women, especially, this day is a beacon of the progress that has been fought for tirelessly—progress that Nixy champions every day.

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Embrace True Wellness This Summer: A Healthier Approach to Body Image

As the warm embrace of summer approaches, it brings with it the promise of sunlit days and outdoor activities. However, for many women, this season can also herald a period of heightened self-scrutiny and body image concerns. At Nixy, we recognize that the pressure to attain a “summer-ready body” can lead to unhealthy dieting practices and mental health struggles, detracting from the joy this season should bring.

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The Crossroads of Motherhood and Career: Navigating the Return to Work After Childbirth

The return to work after childbirth is a pivotal moment in many women’s lives. It’s a time filled with complex emotions and decisions, not least because of the societal and personal judgments that accompany it. It is worth exploring why a significant number of women hesitate or decide not to return to work post-childbirth, and how we, as a society, can better share the responsibilities that come with parenthood.

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